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Q: The polysaccharide in muscles containing multiple glucose molecules is named?
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What do Glucose molecules do?

A polysaccharide

Consider a polysaccharide consisting of 576 glucose molecules The total hydrolysis of the polysaccharide would result in the production of?

828 glucose molecules and no water becuase hydrolysis removes water

What is the smallest number of glucose molecules That can form a polysaccharides?

What is the smallest number of glucose molecules that can form a polysaccharide?

What enzyme acts on starches and turns it into sugar?

Amylase: Starch or amylose is a polysaccharide (carbohydrate) comprised of long chains of glucose molecules. The enzyme, amylase, hydrolyzes starch to dextrins (short chains of glucose molecules), maltose (disaccharide containing glucose) and glucose (sugar).

What is a polysaccharide composed of hundreds of thousands of glucose molecules?

Simple starch.

What are two larger molecules made from glucose?

Glucose+glucose=a disaccharide called "maltose" Glucose+lots more glucose=a polysaccharide called "starch"

Where did cellulose come from?

Celluose is formed from multiple glucose molecules bonding together through dehydration synthesis. Celluose is one of three major polysaccharide molecules within the starch family.

What is the monomer of the polymer starch?

If starch is the polymer, then the monomer is glucose, which is a monosaccharide. Starch is a polysaccharide that is made up of glucose molecules.

What molecules is not a monosaccharide glucose fructose deoxyribose starch?

Sucrose is composed of one molecule of glucose linked to one molecule of fructose, and is therefore a disaccharide.ANSWER ITWhich of the following are not molecules? A.NaClB.MgCl2C.AgD.AlE.C3H8AG AND AL ARE NOT MOLECULESapex ;)

Are big starch molecules made up of little glucose molecules?

there are a large number of glucose molecules in starch.

Cellulose type of carbohydrate?

Polysaccharide: polymer with long repeating chains made of glucose molecules

What are polysaccarhides?

The simplest carbohydrate molecule is a sugar. For example, glucose. A single glucose (or any other simple sugar) is called a monosaccharide. A string of two joined sugar molecules (say 2 joined glucoses) forms a disaccharide. Many thousands of sugar molecules joined into a very long string is what a polysaccharide is. Starch is a plant-stored polysaccharide and glycogen is an animal-stored polysaccharide. These are examples of very long strings of alpha glucose molecules. A long string of beta glucoses forms the polysaccharide called cellulose.