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Q: The populist party lost power in large part as a result of?
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What was the populist party lost power in large part as result of what?

100% sure its the 1896 election of McKinley :)

What result populist lost power in large part?

Hope this is the right answer (didn't really get your question) : the 1896 election of McKinley.

The Populist party wanted to create rights for?

The Populist Party sought to increase the power of the common people. They fought to take away power from the rich.

What did the populists believe?

the populist party belived in more power to the government and it was also called the peoples party.

Why did farmers laborers and reformers join to form the populist party?

to have greater power

The power of the populist party ended with their defeat in the 1896 election?


Which was a legacy of the populist party that the government adopted?

Populist left behind two legacies. They left behind power in Canada and its background in England.

What was the result of the popularity of the Populist Party among blacks in the South?

Southerners realized that blacks were a potent political force and that they would have to share power politically. It heightened fears of Southerners that blacks might gain political power.

Which party was started by workers and small farmers in the 1890s because they were upset by the power big business held?


What were the benefits of the populist party?

The Populist Party advocated for farmer and worker rights, including regulation of railroads, a progressive income tax, and free silver coinage. They also pushed for direct election of senators and women's suffrage. The party helped bring attention to issues affecting rural and working-class Americans.

What were the beliefs of the populist party?

Rich people should pay a higher percentage of your income taxes APEX !!!

How did the grange and the farmers alliances pave the way for the populist party?

Because the Grange members realized that to make far - reaching changes, they would need to build a base of political power. Eventually, they decided to create the Populist Party as an organization which represented their political benefits.