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Simony is the ecclesiastical crime of paying for holy offices or positions in the hierarchy of a church

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the answer would be called simony

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Q: The practice of selling posititons in the church?
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What church practices made martin Luther defy church authorities completely?

A:Martin Luther did not at first seek to defy the Church, but rather to reform it. The Church's intransigence on matters he considered important eventually resulted in his defiance of church authorities. The most important concerns were the practice of buying and selling bishoprics and the practice of selling indulgences, both of which are regarded as simony.

Why was martin Luther opposed to the practice of selling indulgence?

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Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

What was the practice Luther protested of selling indulgence?

Luther protested the practice of selling indulgences. what was that practice?

What were the three main abuses that most distressed church reformers?

1. using the practice of laying investiture 2. bishops selling positions in the church-a practice called simony 3. many village priests married and had families

What does selling indulges mean to the Catholic church?

It is an illegal practice of the Catholic church to be paid for forgiving someone who has sinned. What it means to the church is that I am assuming they will be all the richer for having gained part of their riches in such a sinfull manner.

When did the Catholic Church get rid of indulgences?

The practice of granting an indulgence, which is the remission of temporal punishment due to sin (i.e., remission of restitution) have not ended. In fact, the Catholic Church has an official book of indulgences that is still in use today. What has ended was the corrupt practice of selling indulgences. The practice of selling indulgences was a problem that existed at least from the late 1300s till the early to mid 1500s. In fact, it was one of the "theses" that was pointed out by Martin Luther on his 95 Theses in 1517. By the mid-late 1500s, however, the practice of selling indulgences had largely died out.

What are principles and practice of selling?

guidelines that facilitates effective selling

The practice of selling positions in the church?

The practice of buying and selling ecclesiastical offices or positions is known as simony. The term is derived from "Simon Magnus," a magician mentioned in the book of Acts (8:9-24) who tried to buy from Jesus' disciples the ability to confer the Holy Spirit through the laying on of hands. Simony took place in both the Church of England and the Roman Catholic Church. It was one of the major issues at stake in the Investiture Controversy.

What is the Simony definition?

Simony is the act of buying or selling spiritual gifts, services, or positions within the church. It is considered a corrupt practice that undermines the integrity of religious institutions.