

The price of biomass and where it comes from?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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9y ago

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Biomass power is power that comes from plants. Biofuel, as the source of biomass power is called, costs about $5,000 a ton. Crops used as biofuel are mainly corn, soy, and sometimes wood.

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Q: The price of biomass and where it comes from?
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What is the cost of biomass per watt?

The cost is free, the energy comes from the Sun (trapped by plants). However, the price of biomass (what you have to pay for it) is not fixed and varies from country to country, place to place and what the biomass consists of.

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No. Biomass comes from life. Neptune does not nor did it ever support life.

What are the positive aspects of using biomass instaed of electricity?

Well, believe it or not, biomass is burnt trash. BUT, biomass comes from plants and organic materials.

Is a renewable from energy that comes from plants?


What are the price for the biomass?

indicated per KWh or GJ

What are the negative aspects of biomass energy?

it comes from your mom

What is the difference between biomass energy and wind energy?

Both biomass and wind energy are natural sources of energy. Their differences are that biomass energy comes from waste materials whiles wind energy comes from the wind. Before energy can be produced from biomass, decomposition by micro-organisms must occur to produce biogas (energy), while for wind energy, the speed of the wind (energy of the wind) causes some turbine-like device to change mechanical energy to other forms of energy. Energy from biomass can also be obtained by burning it.

Who are the major emerging producers of Biomass energy?

Biomass energy comes from a number of different sources. The main source of biomass is essentially the paper-manufacturing industry as the pulping liquor from the processes used to make paper contribute largely to the growing amount of biomass.In terms of the energy sources themselves, it would be best to refer to Wikipedia's article on biomass: The section on Biomass Sources should provide all the information you need.

Are biomass power stations just another word for nuclear power stations?

No, nothing to do with nuclear. Biomass means vegetable matter grown for burning, and comes under Renewable Energy as it can be regrown every season.

What is a negative for biomass?

there is not a thing negtive about biomass we need to save biomass it!

How much does it cost to build and run a biomass energy plant?

Biomass energy comes from plants - such as wood waste, corn kernels or non food energy crops which are generally used to make liquid fuels, heat or electricity. The cost of energy produced from biomass always depends on the type of biomass that is being utilized, the type of energy being produced (heat, electricity or fuel), the technology used and the size of the plant. Power plants that can burn biomass directly can generate electricity at a cost of 7 to 9 cents per kilowatt-hour.

Is biomass easy to get?

its pretty much everywhere. anything containing carbon is biomass. dirt is biomass. poop is biomass. a tree is biomass. you are biomass. so is your dog.. so, yeah; its pretty easy to get your hands on.