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rock cycle

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The process by which rocks are formed is called the rock cycle. This cycle involves the formation, weathering, erosion, deposition, and compaction of rocks over time through various geological processes.

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Q: The process by which rocks are formed is called?
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Rock families formed from the compression of sediments are called?

Sedimentary rock families formed from the compression of sediments are called lithified sedimentary rocks. These rocks are classified based on their composition, texture, and the process through which they were formed. Examples include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

What process affects all rocks after they have formed?

The process that affects all rocks after they have formed is called the rock cycle. This process involves the transformation of rocks from one type to another through processes like weathering, erosion, and metamorphism. It is a continuous cycle that involves the formation, breakdown, and reformation of rocks over time.

How are igeneous rock formed?

Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma from beneath the Earth's surface cools and solidifies. The cooling process can happen either slowly beneath the surface (intrusive igneous rocks) or rapidly on the surface (extrusive igneous rocks), resulting in different textures and mineral compositions.

The process in which rocks change shape is called?

The process in which rocks change shape is called deformation. This can occur through processes like folding, faulting, and fracturing that result from tectonic forces acting on the rocks.

Which is not one of the three processes by which sedimentary rocks are formed?

The process of metamorphism is not one of the three processes by which sedimentary rocks are formed. Sedimentary rocks are typically formed through the processes of weathering, erosion, and deposition. Metamorphism is a process that involves the alteration of existing rocks due to heat, pressure, and chemical reactions.

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Rock that is formed by the process of lithification is called?

sedimentary rocks

What rocks are formed from the heat of a magma chamber?

Intrusive Igneous rocks

How did the planets and satellites formed?

From rocks, ice, dust, and gas. This process is called Accretion.

Rock families formed from the compression of sediments are called?

Sedimentary rock families formed from the compression of sediments are called lithified sedimentary rocks. These rocks are classified based on their composition, texture, and the process through which they were formed. Examples include sandstone, shale, and limestone.

What are rocks called that formed from volcanic process?

Those would be igneous rocks. Extrusive igneous rocks.

What process affects all rocks after they have formed?

The process that affects all rocks after they have formed is called the rock cycle. This process involves the transformation of rocks from one type to another through processes like weathering, erosion, and metamorphism. It is a continuous cycle that involves the formation, breakdown, and reformation of rocks over time.

How are igeneous rock formed?

Igneous rocks are formed when molten magma from beneath the Earth's surface cools and solidifies. The cooling process can happen either slowly beneath the surface (intrusive igneous rocks) or rapidly on the surface (extrusive igneous rocks), resulting in different textures and mineral compositions.

The process in which rocks change shape is called?

The process in which rocks change shape is called deformation. This can occur through processes like folding, faulting, and fracturing that result from tectonic forces acting on the rocks.

How are rocks formulated?

Rocks are formed through a process called the rock cycle, which involves three main types of rocks: igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic. Igneous rocks are formed from cooled magma or lava, sedimentary rocks are created from the accumulation and compression of sediments, and metamorphic rocks are formed from the alteration of existing rocks under intense heat and pressure. The type of rock formed depends on the specific conditions present during its formation.

Sedimentary rocks are formed by the process of compaction and?


What are rocks that are formed from magma called?

Intrusive igneous rocks .

What are rock composed of weathered rocks called?

Weathered rocks that are composed of smaller fragments and grains are referred to as sedimentary rocks. These rocks are formed through the process of erosion, transportation, deposition, and lithification of the weathered materials.