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If you mean when "does" the nucleus divide to form two identical nuclei, the answer is during mitosis. Mitosis is the process of cell reproduction. During this process the DNA is duplicated before the nucleus spilts into two identical nuclei each with their own identical copy of the parent cell, creating two new identical daughter cells.

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9y ago

The process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei is known as mitosis. Mitosis involves specifically the duplication of genetic material.

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9y ago

The process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei is called mitosis.

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What is the process in which the nucleus divides to form to identical nuclei?

the answer is mitosis!

What is mistosis?

A mitosis is the process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei.

The nucleus is divided during?

It divides by the process of meiosis or mitosis.

What happens when the nucleus divides into two identical nuclei?

You get identical twins!

What is the cells nucleus divides to forms two identical nuclei during the stage of the cell cycle?

The process of cell division which divides the nucleus into two nuclei is called mitosis. Mitosis only happens in eukaryotic cells.

What is the process in which the nuceus divides to form two identical nuclei?


What is the process of cell division call?

Mitosis. Mitosis - The process in which the nucleus divides to form two identical nuclei. The new nuclei is identical to the original. If your a student, this should all be in your science book..... Also, theres another process. Meosis - A process in which produces haploid sex cells.

What is the cell cycle called when the nucleus divides into two identical nuclei?

It is called mitosis. In meiosis four different nuclei are produced

What happens during the process of mitosis?

During the process of mitosis, the nucleus divides!

What is the process when a parent nucleus reproduces 2 daughter nuclei that are identical to the parent nucleus?


What part of the cell actually divides mitosis?

the middle of the cell wallIt is the nucleus of the cell. It produces identical nuclei

What part of the cell actually divides during mitosis?

the middle of the cell wallIt is the nucleus of the cell. It produces identical nuclei