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Q: The process of granting users access to file server shares by reading their permissions is called?
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what is authorization mean?

Authorization is the process of granting privileges or permissions to a user, system, or application to access specific resources or perform certain actions within a system or network. It ensures that only authorized entities can access resources and helps protect against unauthorized access or misuse.

What is the process of granting an authenticated user a specific degree of access to specific computer or data resources?


Who can access a mail server?

Anyone who has the appropriate permissions.

What types of permissions are needed for shared documents?

The types of permissions that are needed for shared documents are "shared access." In other words, a shared document needs to be set to "public" access.

How do you remove sharing from an Excel file?

I am not aware of any sharing access for individual Excel files (if someone reading this knows how to do this with Windows, please improve the answer). File sharing permissions are for giving access to folders, not individual files. If you are not able to change the sharing permissions on the folder in which you have the Excel file stored, move the file to a folder or drive without sharing permissions. See related questions and links for information about file and folder sharing.

When no user have ntfs permissions to access a particular file the only person who can regain access to it is the?

The file's owner can access it.

In the nfts permissions to access a particular file the only person who can regain access to it is the?

Data Base Properties"Owner" of the file. The owner always has the ability to modify the permissions of a file or folder.

Do Share permissions apply only when the resource is access over the network?

Yes. Share permissions are not used if the resource is accessed locally.

What does IRM enable you to do?

Specify access permissions to e-mail messages.

Who is responsible for establishing access permissions to network resources in the DAC access control model?

the owner of the resource.

What are the four basic elements of remote access policy?

RAP, Conditions, Remote Access Permissions, Profile.

Which tool can be used to determine the final set of permissions that affect a user trying to access resources on an NTFS partition?

A. The Effective Permissions tab