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Q: The process of using the products of an exergonic reaction to carry out an endergonic reaction is called?
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Why Lipid bilayers form spontaneously?

The process is exergonic

What do you start off with in a chemical reaction?

It is neither, the reaction is the process. The chemicals 'put in' to the reaction are called reactants, and those formed by the reaction are products

What determines how much energy is available in a molecule?

This is related to the Gibbs free energy: G = H —TS (where, H is the enthalpy, T is the absolute temperature, and S is the entropy), that is the required indicator of spontaneity for constant temperature and pressure processes. For systems that can only do pressure - volume work (w' = 0), Gibbs free energy equation can be expressed as: DG = DH — TDS = qp — TDS (where, qp is the heat transferred at constant pressure). Now, a spontaneous process is that one with negative DG value and is said to be "exergonic" and it can be utilized to do work. A process that is not spontaneous, that one with positive DG value is called "endergonic" and it must be driven by the input of free energy. Those processes that are at equilibrium (when the forward and the backward reactions are exactly balanced) are characterized by a DG = 0. From above considerations, the endergonic processes that maintain the living state are driven by the exergonic reactions of nutrient oxidation. Living organisms are not at equilibrium. Rather, they require a continuous influx of free energy to maintain order in a universe bent of maximizing disorder. They do so by coupling the exergonic processes required to maintain the living state such as the performance of mechanical work, the active transport of molecules against concentration gradients, and the biosynthesis of complex molecules. The key is to know "how much free energy carry a particular molecule" in order to carry out a work. This can be achieved measuring the "free energy" of a given intermediate molecule whose exergonic consumption drives endergonic processes. In other words, to determine how much "energy" carries a particular molecule, we have to measure its DG value.

What kind of reaction occurs when the entropy change of an endothermic reaction is negative?

The reaction is exothermic

What are the products produced through the process of photosynthesis?

Photosynthesis is the reverse reaction of aerobic respiration: Carbon dioxide + water ----> glucose + oxygen Glucose and oxygen are the products.

Related questions

What is the difference between exothermic and exergonic?

exergonic reaction is a chemical reaction that releases free energy. its final state is less than its initial state. while the endergonic reaction is a chemical reaction that absorbs free energy from its surroundings. in this process, the initial state is less than its final state. it does not occur spontaneously.

Is the Calvin cycle endergonic or exergonic?

Yes, the Calvin cycle is endergonic because it uses ATP molecules rather than creates them.

Is burning wood an example of an exergonic or endergonic reaction?

Yes, combustion is an example of an exergonic reaction. During combustion, energy is released- making it an exergonic reaction.

What is the process of active transport a. Exergonic or b. endergonic?

It is b. endergonic because active transport uses ATP for energy.

Is dehydration synthesis endergonic or exergonic?

Dehydration synthesis is the joining of two compounds due to the loss of a water molecule between them. It is an example of an endergonic process, which uses energy for the process to occur.

What is endergonic?

endergonic is a reaction under which energy is stored in a chemical reaction in which the standard change in free energy is positive, and energy is absorbed.yourwelcome.

Is glycolysis Endergonic or exergonic?

Glycogen is a storage polysaccharide made up of glucose units.The synthesis of glycogen is endergonic. That is energy has to be supplied for the synthesis process.The breakdown of glycogen is exergonic. that is energy is primarily released during the process.

What type of reaction is cellular respiration?

The reaction don't have to deal with the equation

H2o plus atp-enzymes-ADP plus p plus energy?

ATP plus H2O release energy (endergonic reaction) and P. Now, this P plus ADP becomes ATP (exergonic reaction). It's a cyclic process. It starts all over again at ATP plus H2O..

Why are polymerization reactions endergonic?

As opposed to an EX [as in expel] -ergonic chemical reaction, endergonic reactions absorb energy.

Is photosynthesis an exothermic or endothermic reaction?

Yes photosynthesis is a endergonic process i.e. energy-requiring process.

How do organisms harness energy to live?

Living organisms use the energy released from he exergonic process to drive the endergonic process