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water is definitely not the right answer! i got it wrong when i chose that

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1w ago

The products of a combustion reaction typically include carbon dioxide and water vapor, but they do not include the reactants used in the reaction.

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What is a property of a combustion reaction?

A combustion reaction is an oxidation reaction - combustion need oxygen; the products are water and carbon dioxide.

Where are all the products of a hydrocarbon combustion reaction?

The products of the hydrocarbon combustion are water and carbon dioxide.

What are the patterns of combustion reaction?

A combustion reaction takes place in the presence of O2 (g). The products of a complete combustion reaction are CO2 (g) and H2O (g).

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Combustion is a type of oxidation; combustion is the reaction of organic materials when the products are carbon dioxide and water.

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what will accompany the products as a result of an combustion reaction

How is combustion made?

Combustion is a chemical reaction between a fuel source and oxygen that produces heat, light, and exhaust gases. It requires a fuel source, such as gas, wood, or coal, and heat or a spark to initiate the reaction. The reaction releases energy in the form of heat and light, making it a critical process for generating power in engines and heating systems.

When a fuel burns this gas is produced?

When a fuel burns, it undergoes a combustion reaction. Combustion has two main products. These products are water and carbon dioxide.

What are the two products of combustion of a candle?

The two products of combustion of a candle are carbon dioxide and water vapor. When the candle burns, the wax fuel reacts with oxygen in the air to produce these gases.

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The burning of fossil fuels are a combustion reaction. The reaction for the combustion has the reactants of propane (C3H8) and oxygen (O2). The combustion reactions products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

When fossil fuels burn what are the reactants?

The burning of fossil fuels are a combustion reaction. The reaction for the combustion has the reactants of propane (C3H8) and oxygen (O2). The combustion reactions products are carbon dioxide (CO2) and water (H2O).

What are all products of a hydrocarbon combustion reaction?

Carbon dioxide, Water Vapor, and Heat

What kind of reaction is also commonly called 'burning'?

Another name for burning is combustion. The term combustion is more commonly used in scientific fields like chemistry and physics.