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Shape of the Crystal

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Q: The properties of a mineral crystal are determined by the arrangement of its particles and the?
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Related questions

What type of crystal breaks apart into irregular shape?

The arrangement of particles in a mineral and the kind of bonds holding them together determine properties such as crystal shape, hardness, and the way the crystal breaks apart.

What solids have a random arrangement of particles?

A glass has a random arrangement of particles. They are often called amorphous, which means without shape. Contrast with a crystal, which has a definite arrangement of particles.

What is the arrangement of particles?

If you think to crystal structure plutonium is monoclinic.

Is a crystal a regular repeating arrangement of particles?

Yes, a crystal is a regular repeating arrangement of particles in a three-dimensional pattern. The particles, which can be atoms, ions, or molecules, are arranged in a specific geometric pattern called a crystal lattice. This regular arrangement gives crystals their characteristic shape and structure.

single crystal?

A single crystal is a regular and periodic arrangement of particles inside a crystal in three-dimensional space.

What is it called when repeating geometric arrangement of the particles in a solid called?


What is the arrangement of plutonium particles?

If you think to crystal structure plutonium is monoclinic.

What is the total three-dimensional array of points that describes the arrangement of the particles of a crystal called?

This is called a Crystal Lattice or a Crystal Structure.

What doe a crystals shape depend on?

A crystal's shape is determined by the arrangement of the atoms within the crystal. Th arrangement of atoms in turn is determined by the kinds of atoms that make up the mineral. (from textbook: Holt Science & Technology: Earth Science)

How is the arrangement of particles in a solid difference from the arrangement in a liquid?

In a liquid, the particles are free to move around; in a solid, they have a fixed position. In a solid, the particles may have a regular structure (i.e., a crystal), or the structure may be irregular.

What is a physical characteristic determined by the arrangement of the atoms within the mineral?

A mineral crystal. Minerals form a crystalline structure.

What is the difference between a crystal and luster?

Luster is a property of minerals that describes their appearance. A crystal is the structure that minerals possess due to the arrangement of their atomic particles.