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The property of objects that resists changes in motion is called inertia.

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Q: The property of objects that resists change in motion is called?
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What is the property of body that resists any change in velocity?

The reluctance of a body to change its state of motion is termed inertia. The mass associated with this property is called its inertial mass, notably different from gravitational mass, which is responsible for objects with mass experiencing an attractive force between them. The inertial rest mass of an object is what gives it momentum.

What is the property of a body that resists change in movement?


What is the tendency of matter to resist change in motion?

Inertia: the property of matter that resists changes in motion.

Inertia is the property of any object that reists any change in?

Inertia is a property of matter in which an object resists a change in motion.

What is the property of a body that resists any change in velocity?

Inertia."Objects in motion tend to stay in motion, and objects at rest tend to stay at rest, unless acted on by an outside force."That is a wording of Newton's first law of motion, also known as the law of intertia.

The property of matter that resists change in motion?

That is called inertia. Inertia is directly related to mass, so it can be expressed in kilograms.

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What is the change in objects position?

The change in an objects position is called motion.

What property of objects makes them resist change in motion?


Inertia is what to mass?

Inertia is a bodies resistance to velocity change upon application of a force, so essentially its directly proportional to its mass.

What is the object that tends to resist a chang in motion?

All objects resist a change in motion. That is Newton's first law of motion. It requires only that the object have mass. An object that is not acted on by an external force will continue in it previous state of straight line motion. The property that all object have that resists a change in motion is called inertia. The quantitative measure of the inertia of a body is called its mass. This answer applies to movement through space. There is a similar explanation for rotational motion.

What is inertia important to us?

Inertiais important because Newtons first law of motion is often summed up as following: Matter resists any change in motion. Because this property of matter is called Inertia, Newton's law is sometimes called the Law of Inertia.