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No. They are connected in the frontal plane by the rectus abdominis. This muscle originates at the pubic symphysis (aka "pubic bone") and inserts on the cartilage of the 5th, 6th, and 7the ribs.

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Q: The pubic bones are connected to the ribs and the sternum by the diaphragm?
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What muscle spans from the ribs to sternum to the pubic bones?

The rectus abdominus is a long, straplike muscle that connects the pubic bones to the rib and sternum.

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The rectus abdominus muscle, which is the muscle that becomes a six-pack if you train it, is the muscle at the front of the abdominal wall and stretches across the specified region.

The point where coxal bones join anteriorly?

The coxal bones join anteriorly at the pubic symphysis.

What is the name of the angle formed by the pubic bones below the symphysis pubis?

The pubic arch.

What are the pubic bones that come together anterior to form a cartilaginous joint?

pubic symphysis

Which cartilage softens in late pregnancy to allow slight separation of the pubic bones?

Pubic symphysis

What joins the two hip bones at the anterior junction of these bones?

The pubic symphysis, a fibrocartilage pad, joins the hip bones anteriorly.

Where is the pubic bone located at on a female?

In the female, the pubic bone is anterior to the urethral sponge. The left and right hip bones join at the pubic symphysis.