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H2O -> H + + OH -

This is the decomposition reaction you are asking about and not unusually done by electrolysis.

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The reaction in which water molecules produce ions is called dissociation. This process involves water molecules breaking apart into hydrogen (H+) and hydroxide (OH-) ions.

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Ion Dissolution

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Q: The reaction in which water molecules produce ions is called?
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A chemical reaction in wich two or more molecules combine to produce water or another simple molecule?

The reaction you are referring to is called a dehydration reaction. It involves the removal of a water molecule from the reactants to form a new compound. This type of reaction is common in organic chemistry and is used to create larger molecules by linking smaller ones together.

What is a chemical reaction in which two or more molecules combine to produce water or another simple molecule?

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The other product of the reaction between an acid and a base is water. This type of reaction is called a neutralization reaction, where the acidic hydrogen ions from the acid combine with the basic hydroxide ions from the base to form water molecules.

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A dehydration reaction can also be called a?

condensation reaction, as it involves the removal of water molecule to bind two molecules together.

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There are many different reactions that form water, the combustion of organic molecules, neutralisation reactions to name a few but you could not tell the mechanism of a reaction by that it forms water

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Hydrolysis is the chemical reaction that breaks down large molecules into smaller molecules by adding water. Hydrolysis involves the cleavage of chemical bonds through the addition of water molecules.

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The breakdown of water molecules into hydrogen and oxygen molecules is an example of a decomposition reaction. In this reaction, water is broken down into its constituent elements.