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Q: The reaction of NH4NO3 with water to form an acidic solution is called a oxidation b hydrolysis C electrolysis D reduction?
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What is the difference between oxidation and hydrolysis?

Oxidation is a reaction in which an atom, molecule or compound loses an electron. OIL = Oxidation Is Lost; RIG= Reduction Is Gain LEO = Lose Electron in Oxidation; GER = Gain Electron in Reduction (LEO the lion says GER) Hydrolysis is a reaction in which a molecule or compound is broken down, by the addition of a water molecule (it is NOT the breaking of a water molecule into oxygen and hydrogen - that is a different reaction called electrolysis). An example of hydrolysis is the breaking down of maltose into 2 glucose molecules. A molecule of water is added, usually with an acid to catalyse the reaction, into a solution of maltose. You can therefore say that hydrolysis is a type of oxidation reaction, being as maltose loses glucose molecule (hence losing the electrons in the atoms of glucose).

What is types of hydrolysis?

Hydrolysis is a type of chemical weathering, which includes oxidation, reduction, carbonation, solution, and hydration. If water and a compound meet together, hydrolysis is the reaction that occurs.

Hydrolysis what type of weathering?

Hydrolysis is a type of chemical weathering, which includes oxidation, reduction, carbonation, solution, and hydration. If water and a compound meet together, hydrolysis is the reaction that occurs.

What changes considered as oxidation reduction reaction burning of magnesium ribbon or electrolysis of water?

both reactions are redox reactions

What is another name for oxidation-reduction reaction?

another name for an exchange reaction but metathesis reaction. This reaction usually occurs in hydrolysis and is AB+CD=AD+CB

What identifies an oxidation-reduction reaction'?

An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction involves the transfer of electrons between reactants. The substance that loses electrons is oxidized, while the substance that gains electrons is reduced. Redox reactions result in changes in oxidation states of atoms involved.

How do you figure out if a reaction is an oxidation or reduction reaction?

OIL RIG Oxidation is Loss Reduction is Gain... That's all I know =)

What happens during a reduction/oxidation reaction?

An oxidation-reduction (redox) reaction is a type of chemical reaction that involves a transfer of electrons between two species. An oxidation-reduction reaction is any chemical reaction in which the oxidation number of a molecule, atom, or ion changes by gaining or losing an electron

What is the process of initiating a chemical reaction by passing an electric current through an electrolytic solution?

This process is the thermal decomposition.

Single reaction where oxidation and reduction take?

half reaction

What is an oxidation reduction or redox reaction?


What is the term for a reaction in which a substances gains electrons?

When a substance gains an electron or electrons, this is known as "reduction". For every reduction reaction, there is also an oxidation reaction. So, whatever substance "gave" the electrons, underwent oxidation.