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increased urinary Na+

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Q: The reflex response that would be observed in a person with a high blood volume is?
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What is volume response?

Volume response refers to how a system or entity reacts to changes in volume or quantity. This can include how a business adjusts its operations in response to changes in customer demand or how a biological system adapts to changes in nutrient availability. Understanding volume response is important for optimizing efficiency and effectiveness in various systems.

What property of matter that can be observed and measured without changing its identity is a?

mass and volume

Property that can be observed without changing material?

Physical properties can be observed without changing the material, such as color, density, texture, odor, and melting point. These properties give information about how a material behaves or responds to external factors without altering its composition.

What the property of matter that can be observed or measured such as mass volume and the state of matter?

These are physical properties.

What is a expansion?

An expansion is the act of becoming larger or more extensive. In an economic context, expansion refers to growth or an increase in the size or scale of a business or an economy.

If the volume of a confined gas is expanded to four times the original volume while its temperature remains constant what change will be observed?

The pressure is reduced four times.

Which phase has a definite volume but no definite shape?

Obviously, the liquid phase has definite volume but indefinite shape as it is normally observed that when liquid water is poured in a glass, it adopts the shape of glass prior to any change in volume.

Is the atmoshpere a homogeneous or heterogeneous mixture?

Homogeneous because it has the same properties all over its volume and observed in a single phase.

What do property mean?

Physical properties of matter can be observed and tested. They include properties such as color, length, volume, odor, and density.

What does physical property?

Physical properties can be observed without chemically changing the substance. Examples include mass, volume, and density.

What explains how the volume of a gas is changed in response to changes in temperature of the gas?

Charles' Law. The volume and absolute temperature of a gas are directly proportional when pressure is constant.

Volume of a person?

Assuming average density of person @ 1 kg per litre then: volume (litres) = mass (kg)