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Q: The relationship between small insects called aphids and ants is called?
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What type of relationship is it when ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant and the aphids are protected by the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Mutual Relationship

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. This is referred to as a symbiotic relationship.

What type of relationship is in this scenario?

Ants move small insects called aphids from plant to plant. The aphids are protected by the ants, while the ants feed on sugary honeydew produced by the aphids. What type of relationship is exampled in this scenario?

What type of relationship is exampled in this scenario ants move small insects called aphids from plants to plants?

so what is the answer because you guys didnt show me the answer

What do ladibugs eat?

Many feed on garden insects called aphids.

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An intimate, symbiotic relationship exists between antsand aphids. They are often compared to cattle, with the ants acting as protectors and ranchers. What aphids have that ants want is something called honeydew, a sweet substance that is excreted by aphids through their anus and contains surplus sugar from the aphid's diet. Ants protect aphid eggs during the winter, and carry the newly hatched aphids to new host plants, where the aphids feed on the leaves and the ants get a supply of honeydew.Ants use aphids for their nectar-like secretions .

What do ladybugs eat besides pee?

they also eat insects called aphids which can be found on tree leaves

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Does saliva help plants?

I wouldn't recommend spitting on your plants. There are some insects that lay eggs on plants that are known to harm plants called aphids.

What is the symbiotic relationship between a flowering plant and an insect?

The ants squeeze the aphids to extract a sweet tasting liquid and in return, that ants protect the aphids. I do not believe the foregoing statement. I wonder whether the person who wrote it has ever seen anything of the kind happening. I have seen ants eating aphids, cutting them up and carrying them away, and I have seen ants stroking aphids with their antennae, which seemed to stimulate the aphids into giving up honeydew. However, I may have misinterpreted that stroking; possibly touching the aphid with the antenna was just to see whether there was any honeydew to pick up, and the aphid might have been about to produce honeydew anyway. In any case, there certainly is a symbiotic (more precisely, mutualistic) relationship between many kinds of ants and many kinds of aphids. Generally speaking it takes the form of ants protecting aphids and removing their (unwanted) honeydew for their own purposes.

What is the host of an aphid?

Aphids are parasites.They feed on the leaves of plants.aphids are small insects which are carried by ants.which in return give ants a sweet liquid called honeydew.

How is a lady bug important to life on earth?

Ladybugs are important because they eat little bugs called aphids. Aphids drink the sap of plants and if they increase their numbers they could cause the plant to dry up. So ladybugs are a biological control for aphids and that is why gardeners love them.