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The left side of your brain controls: Vision

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The left side of your body

The right side of your body ============================

The left side of most people's brain handles sequential information, such as the common languages, counting, and perhaps if-then logic. The right side of most people's brain does more parallel processing -- handling two or more simultaneous inputs of information. Music appreciation is often a "right-brain" function. Motor control and sensory appreciation of one side of the body is processed by the other side of the brain -- left brain controls right side of body. I'm talking about cortical areas of the brain; the pineal nucleus is not a paired structure. Some people's brain is not (so) lateralized. I think it's around 95% of right-handed people in the USA are (fairly) lateriazed (left side of brain as above).

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14y ago

The left: the motor and sensory nerves cross over to the other side of the body so that perception from the right hemisphere is processed in the left side of the brain and commands from motor neurons that control the left side of the body originate from the right side of the brain,

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13y ago

yes it is true

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Q: The right side of your brian controls what side of your body?
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What part of the body does the right side of the brain control?

The right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, and the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body.

The left side of your brain controls what part of the body?

Your two hemispheres of the brain control movements on the opposite sides of your body. Your right somatic cortex controls your left side and your left somatic cortex controls your right side.

The right side of the cerebrum controls what?

The right side of the cerebrum controls the left side of your body

What is unusual about which hemisphere of the brain controls the body?

the right side of the brain controls the left side of your body's actions and the left side controls the right side's actions

Left side of the brain controlls what?

The left side of ur body controls ur vision.

Why damage from the right side of your brian may cause sensory or motor problems on the opposite side of your body?

Think of it this way. The right half of your brain controls the left side of your body and the left half of your brain controls the right side of your body. I know because I am epileptic and my problem is on the right hemisphere and if I didn't take my medicine my left arm will twitch. Hope this explians it.

How is brain side and body muscle control related?

The left hemisphere, or side of the brain controls the right side of the body and the right hemisphere, or side controls the left side of the body.

What controls the right side of the brain?

the left side of the brain controls the right side of the body and vice versa

Does the right side of the cerebellum control the right side of the body.?

its opposite the right controls the left and left controls the right

Which hemisphere controls the right side of the body?

Neurons cross from the right side to the left, as do neurons cross from the left to the right, meaning your right side of your brain controls your left, and your left controls your right side.

What hemisphere controls the left side of the body?

The right hemisphere of the brain controls the left side of the body.

What does the left side of your brain controll?

The vision side of your brain is the left side. It also controls the right side of your body.