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Q: The sex hormones estrogen progesterone and testosterone belong to which class of molecules?
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What are examples of sex hormones?

estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone

What hormones drives development of secondary sexual characteristics?

In boys, it is primarily testosterone, in girls it is a mainly a combination of progesterone and estrogen.

Explain what the hormones testosterone estrogen and progesterone do?

Testosterones, estrogen, progesterone, all tell, or control your sex organs, and puberty.

What Two hormones secreted by the ovary?

Neither release hormones, they release gametes. But the females hormones are estrogen and progesterone and the male is testosterone

What causes the changes of puberty?

The main cause of change at puberty are started by the production of our hormones(testosterone for boys and the estrogen and progesterone for girls)

What hormones are produced from choleterol?

Steroid hormones.  This includes the sex hormones (testosterone, estrogen, progesterone, and precursors), cortisol, and aldosterone.

What is the major female hormone?


What hormones bring about puberty?

The main hormones that are involved in puberty are testosterone for males and oestrogen (can also be spelt 'estrogen') and progesterone for females. These are released from a gland in the brain called the pituitary gland. Other hormones include follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH) and luteinising hormone (LH).

What are the two male hormones?

Several hormones exist, and there are many different ones depending on what the body is doing. The main hormones are Testosterone in males, Oestrogen in females and Progesterone in both (however females have a much higher amount).

Does the endocrine system produce sex hormones?

Yes, the endocrine produces all hormones, including sex hormones. The sex hormones include estrogen, progesterone, and testosterone.

What is the hormone that stimulates the growth and secretions of the adrenal cortex?

The simple answer would be estrogens. In reality, however, the adrenal glands produce actual estrogens in minute amounts only. Instead, they release the precursor molecules of the sex hormones into the bloodstream, and the gonads - testes or ovaries - convert these into testosterone and estrogens, respectively.

Which hormones do the ovaries secrete?

The ovaries secrete progesterone and Oestrogen, the testes secrete testosterone and oestrogen. These are known as androgenic hormones.