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Q: The sheath around some neuron fibers that aids in regeneration?
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What is the definition of myelin sheath?

A myelin sheath is a layer of myelin (a dielectric, or electric insulator) around the axon of a neuron.

The Schwann cell forms a myelin sheath around the?

axon of a neuron in the peripheral nervous system.Schwann cells form a myelin sheath around the Axon.

What is the fibrous covering or nerve sheath which aids in fiber regeneration?

myelin sheath.

The speed of transmission in a neuron will occur fastest if the myelin sheath around the axon is?

highly concentrated

What does myelin sheath wrap around?

The myelin sheath wraps around the around the axon of a neuron. The gaps of the myelin sheath are not insulated and are therefore capable of generating electrical activity.

What are individual fibers wrapped within a CT sheath called?

Individual fibers wrapped within a CT sheath is called an endomysium.

What is myelin sheath on nerve fibers?

The endoneurium surrounds and protects the myelin sheath.

The part of peripheral nerve tissue that helps promote regeneration of neurons is the?

The part of the peripheral nerve tissue that helps promote regeneration of neurons is the neurolemma. It refers to the thin sheath around a neural axon.

Does a neuron have a coating?

Sometimes, depending on the type and function of the neuron, and when it does, it will be on the AXON of the neuron, not the whole neuron. The AXONS of grey matter in the brain do NOT have a coating, but white matter in the brain DOES, as do longer axons in the peripheral nervous system. The Myelin Sheath which coats white matter in the brain is made up of glial cells called oligodendrocytes, and the myelin sheath around peripheral nerve cells are called Schwann cells.

Does vitamin B12 maintain the sheath that surrounds and protects never fibers?

Yes. Vitamin B 12 usually maintain the sheath that surrounds and protects never fibers.

Imagine two neurons one is wrapped with a myelin sheath and has a large diameter the second neuron has no myelin sheath and a narrow diameter which of these neurons conducts a nerve impulse more rap?

Neurons send their impulses up and down the spinal cord. The myelin sheath is the coating around the spinal cord that protects it, and works to better conduct the signals along the cord. A neuron that has no myelin sheath will have a harder time conducting signals than one that is covered by the sheath.

What would happen if the neuron did not have a myelin sheath?

if neurons didn't have myelin sheath then the transmission of nerve impulses is slowed or stopped