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temperature and precipitation

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Q: The six climate regions into which geographers have divided the earth were defined mainly by?
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How do geographers classify regions?

Geographers classify climate regions by the weather and climate they have

What is a physical region?

is a portion of a region divided by natural boundries, such as, rivers, mountins,etc.physical regions- regions defined by their location, landforms, and climate.

What information can a geographers learn from climate regions?

Why can't you think yourself

Most geographers accept the division of world climate regions into?

I have no idea someone plz answer dis fo meh!

What are the major climate regions into which geographers divide the earth?

Tropical, Dry, Mid Latitude, High Latitude, and Highlands.

What do geographers use to show regions on maps?

Geographers use colors and shapes to show regions on a map.

How do geographers study when they look at a regions culture?

Geographers study culture by looking at eight elements called traits. They study what groups they society is divided into, what language the people speak, and what religion they follow.

What do geographers divide the world into?


Why do geographers study regions?

geographers study regions because the want to look at physical and human features and give the region a name.

Into how many world climate regions do most geographers divide the earth?

5. Tropics, subtropics and poles. subtropics are between the tropics and poles on each side.

What are user-defined regions?

User-defined regions are regions defined by a special product or service.

Why do geographers have little information about African religions?

Geographers actually have plenty of information on the geographic regions of Africa.