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When the body does not recieve enough nutrients or calories, it naturally tries to conserve the enegy it expends daily (sort of like a natural survival technique). To do so most efficiently, the base metabolic rate (BMR) will lower, meaning that a person burns less calories to survive daily than an average person would.

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13y ago

It is either:

a) decreased synthesis of growth hormone

b) decreased synthesis of thyroid hormone

c) low intake of iron

d) hypoglycemia

but it is not (a) because that's what I guessed and it was wrong.

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Q: The slower basal metabolism that accompanies anorexia nervosa is caused by?
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What is the chain of infection of anorexia?

There is no chain of infection for anorexia, as it is not caused by a pathogen. Anorexia Nervosa is a mental disorder.

Eating disorder assosated with severe food restrictions?

anorexia nervosa could be the possibility, but those who are anorexic perfer not to eat. The highest chance is orthorexia nervosa , which is caused by eating only healthy foods and constantly dieting.

What are the causes of death associated with vomiting?

The main cause would be choking, that is obstruction of the airway. If the vomiting is caused by Anorexia Nervosa, other life-threatening issues can come into play.

Is there medication for anorexia nervosa?

That's impossible to say. Many people die of anorexia, and many survive. It depends on when intervention occurs, how much damage has been done to the organs. Anyone who has anorexia nervosa and is still alive can potentially be helped by medical care. It takes more than medication though. They must be given nutrition, counselling, and the underlying problems must be resolved. Medication might be given to help deal with the psychological issues, and to help with the physical damage caused by long term starvation. In general: there are many ways in which doctors can help a person with anorexia nervosa. People have been cured of the disorder, and medication may play a part in that, but it's not a magic bullet. There needs to be counselling to help the person get over the underlying psychological problems leading to their obsessive drive to be thin. Yes, it can work, and people can go on to live normal lives.

Is anorexia internal or external?

Anorexia nervosa is an internal disorder in which the person, (who probably has no control over their lives), tries to control their appetite by extreme measure. Most of the people with the illness are women, but, it can also affect males. They might also think they are fat, even when they are very thin. Anorexia nervosa is probably a mental disorder, which might be cured by therapy and medical drugs, but, there is also the possibility that it is a physical disorder of the brain caused by a lack of zinc, deficiency of serotonin, and/or a problem with the hypothalamus gland.

What is the difference between heart disease and anorexia nervosa?

Anorexia nervosa is an eating disorder where a person staves themselves and works out excessively so as not to gain weight. It can cause a multitude of health problems, including heart conditions and / or heart failure. Heart disease can be caused by a number of things, including genetics, smoking, obesity, lack of exercise, and poor / unhealthy eating habits. There are different forms that can affect different people in different ways.

What disorder is characterized by binging and purging?

It's not an eating disorder 'caused by', but rather 'classified by' and it is known as Bulimia Nervosa. Google it.

What is anorexia nervrosa?

Anorexia nervosa is starving yourself to the point of either death or long term disability. It is probably a psychological illness that effects mainly women (and some men), that is caused when females think they are too fat or when they feel they have no control in their lives and the only thing they can control is their appetite. There may be psychical causes of the illness, such as a problem with glands, but, most think it is a mental illness. It takes a lot of therapy to save a person who is anorexic. Many die, directly from the disease, or indirectly from the medical problems the illness causes. Anorexia was unknown to the general public, until February 4 1983, when world famous Karen Carpenter, singer/drummer of the 1970s group the Carpenters, died from cardiac arrest due to anorexia nervosa.

What is interexic?

Interexic is a misspelling or mispronounciation of anorexic. I believe you are looking for information on anorexia nervosa, which is a psychiatric disorder involving the fear of food and fear to maintain a certain weight - often caused by much deeper issues than those of food and weight.

What disease is caused by a lack of fat?


What pathogen is anorexia?

anorexia is a disease, however it is not caused by a pathogen. It is a mental illness; which develops into a physical illness.

What is a disorder that is caused by poor diet?

Anorexia or malnutrition