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Q: The smallest mammal is a member of what group of mammals?
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Related questions

What are the two groups a platypus is found in?

The platypus is a mammal. It is a member of the group known as monotremes, which consists of egg-laying mammals. It is not a member of any other group.

What is the smallest group of vertebrates?

mammals are the smallest group of vertebrates

Which group make up smallest group of mammals?

The Rhino 'Sondaicus' of Java makes up the smallest group of mammals.

What is the smallest mammal that lays eggs?

The only mammals which lay eggs are the small group known as monotremes. The smallest egg-laying mammal, or monotreme, is the platypus. The platypus weighs, at most, 1.7kg while the echidna can easily reach 7kg in weight.

Is a Kangaroo an Oviparous or a Mammal?

A kangaroo is a mammal, and a member of the sub-group of mammals known as marsupials.However, it should be noted that there are three species of oviparous mammals, and they are known as monotremes. they include the platypus, the short-beaked echidna and the long-beaked echidna.

What are the smallest group of mammals?


What group of animals does the gorilla mammal belong to?

Mammals :)

What mammal group does a shark belong to?

Sharks are not mammals.

Why is pumas in the mammal group?

there not lol

Is a maruspial a mammal?

Yes. Marsupials are a group of mammals.

Where are the worlds smallest mammals?

The worlds smallest mammals as a group are shrews and are found in almost every country.

What group is a platypus in?

The platypus is classified as a mammal. It has all the defining characteristics of a mammal, including the ability to nurture its young on mothers' milk. It is a monotreme, of the order monotremata, meaning it is an egg-laying mammal.