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Q: The smallest part of a compound that still is that compound is a?
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The smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound is what?

A molecule

What is 1 The smallest part of a compound that still has the properties of that compound?

A molecule

What is The smallest part of a compound that still acts like that compound is?

As an "atom" is to an element - the smallest unit, so a "molecule" is to a compound.

The smallest part of a compound that still is that compound is?

molecule i found it on study island

Is the smallest particle of a compound?

A molecule is the smallest part of a compound that still retains the properties of said compound. As the atom is the smallest particle of an element into which it can be divided and still retain all the properties of that element, the molecule is the atom's analog for a compound.

True or False an atom is the smallest part of a compound that may still be identified as the compound?

False. A molecule is the smallest part of a compound that can still be indentified as a compound as it may contain several atoms of different elements. A single atom can only identify a single element, not a compound which it may have been a part of.

The smallest part of a compound that has all the properties of that substance is?

The smallest part of substance that still retains the properties of that compound is called an atom. All things are made of atoms.

What is call tha smallest part of a compound?

The smallest part of a compound is the atom.

What is the smallest part of of a compound?

Answera molecule is the smallest part of a compound (study island)The smallest part of a compound is an atom.A Molecule

The smallest part of a substance that still has the characteristics of that substance is a what?

The smallest part of a substance is a molecule. A molecule can be a compound of different elements or be comprised of a single element.

Atoms are the smallest particles of a compound that still retain the properties of that compound?

The atom is the smallest particle of an element that retains it's characteristics. Sub-atomic particles such as protons, neutrons and electrons form the atom and it is the amount of each of these sub-atomic particles that make the element that element.

What is the molecule smallest part of?

A molecule is the smallest part of a chemical compound.