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settable solids

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Q: The solid that is formed and usually sinks to the bottom of a soulution is the?
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What sinks in water sinks to the bottom then floats again?

Not Yassine JR

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What happens when you fish sinks to the bottom of the tank?

It dies

What is a saturated solid?

forms a sediment when it sinks to the bottom of a liquid.

What happends when a shark dies?

It sinks to the bottom and the crabs eat it.

What does gold do when it is put into water?

Sinks to the bottom, very rapidly.

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Ceramics are usually associated with pottery and sinks?

ceramics is associated with pottery but not sinks

Why is there iron in the core?

because it is heavier so it sinks to the bottom ~berkles

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How are plankton sediments formed?

As plankton die, it sinks to the sea floor, and over many years, a sediment is formed.