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I believe it is called the "Active site"

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The active site

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Q: The special region of an enzyme that joins with the substrate?
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What is the role of enzymes in biological systems?

Enzymes are regulated with the use of Competitive Inhibitors and Noncompetitive Inhibitors. Basicly every enzyme has an active site where the substrate binds to and what an the first kind of inhibtor does is that it blocks the substrate from joining with the enzyme by attaching to the enzyme's active site. The other kind of inhibitor joins with the enzyme at another place not the active site. This makes the enzyme change shape so it cannot fit the substrate or it somehow makes the enzyme unable to catalize the reaction.~Draco

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The apoenzyme is made of proteins, so it would be Protein Production: mRNA translates the seqence from DNA in tRNA, and different amino acids join to form the protein. Then, the newly formed apoenzyme joins randomly with a co enzyme, such as vitimine B6, and the enzyme then catylizes whatever substrate it is ment to catalyze.

What is the name of the enzyme that joins complementary DNA nucleoitide together?

General term.DNA polymerase.-----------------------

In the replication of DNA what is the name of the enzyme which joins the lagging strands together?

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Ligase is used to join DNA strands together

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DNA Polymerase

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Restriction enzymes cuts out a specific short nucleotide sequence while as the process of ligation, DNA ligase joins them together. So ligase can be considered the reverse of the restriction enzyme process as it joins DNA fragments together instead of cutting them out.

What is the term for the region where the shaft joins the extremity of a mature bone?

MethaphysisMetaphysis- Greg U.