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The correct answer is Cancellous Tissue

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Q: The spongy inner tissue of a bone is called tissue?
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What is the inner layer of the human bone called?

Spongy inner layer called cancellous bone. Spongy bone is lighter and less dense than compact bone

What is the inner tissue that provides strength to the bone without a lot of added weight?

Spongy Bone.

What is a inner tissue that provides strength to the bone without a lot of added weight?

Spongy Bone.

What is the histology of spongy bone?

Spongy bone is the tissue that makes up the interior of bones; compact bone is the tissue that forms the surface of bones. In long bones, spongy bone forms the interior of the epiphyses; the diaphysis (shaft) consists of compact bone surrounding the central marrow cavity. Spongy bone can also be found in the rib slide (21). It contains large marrow spaces defined by shelves and spicules of bone. The inner space is lined by osteoblasts and osteoclasts (called the endosteum). Osteocytes can be seen in layers in adult spongy bone. Outside all of bone, is a connective tissue sheath called the periosteum. It contains inner layers of osteogenic cells that can give rise to osteoblasts and make new bone,.

What are the spongy porous bone tissue called?

Spongy bone tissue is not as highly arranged as compact bone tissue because it doesn't do as much of the weight supporting function as compact bone. Its tissue is arranged in a sponge-like pattern of bony plates called trabeculae. The spaces between these trabeculae are filled with bone marrow which is where our blood cells are made. Spongy bone makes up most of the tissue of flat, short, and irregularly shaped bones.

Does Spongy or compact bone tissue weigh less?

The spongy bone tissue weighs less.

Does bone remodeling affect both compact bone tissue and spongy bone tissue?

Bone Remodeling does not affect compact bobe, but it DOES affect Spongy bone tissue.

What lines the holes of spongy bones?

Endosteum tissue lines the openings in spongy bone.

The interconnecting tiny arches of bone tissue found in spongy bone are called?

trabeculae is the correct answer

What is the porous inner part of the bone?

the porous inner part of the bone is the SPONGY BONE

What are the compositions of the bones?

compact bone tissue and spongy bone tissue

What is the spongy tissue where blood cells and platelets are produced called?

bone marrow