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Q: The spread of the plague was inevitable if not what could have been done to prevent its spread and by whom?
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Could you get the black plague by breathing by someone who already had it?

Yes, you could get the Black Plague by breathing near someone who already had the plague. The plague was transmitted through the spread of droplets in the air when a person coughed or sneezed. If you breathed those droplets, you could get the plague.

What actually caused the black death?

Bubonic Plague - was spread by the fleas who lived on plague-infected rats, and such rats were ubiquitous on trading ships. But the people of that time believed that the plague was a punishment from god too punish the wicked and the good people would be saved by god.Pneumonic Plague - could spread with a sneeze and jump from person to person with terrifying speed.Septicemic Plague - spread through contact with open sores

What are the cures for the plague?

The small number of cases of plague that occur today are treated with antibiotics.There was no cure for it the only treatment was for them to be quarentined so they could stop the spread.

Did the the Industrial Revolution spread the Black Plague?

Black Death or The Black Plague was spread by fleas that were on rats. The Industrial Revolution could be the cause of its rapid spreading, but the cause is actually disputed by many scientists and historians. Many think it spread just because of how contagious it was.

A disease as devastating as the plague could spread today why or why not?

no, it is highly unlikely. With the latest measures and scientific equipment. It is very rare.

How do you form a sentence using inevitable?

A droll response was inevitable. How could I avoid the inevitable disaster?

How did The Black Plague spread throughout the world?

The Black Plague devastated Europe killing (an estimated) half of the population and spread into Asia. Supposedly it was the Bubonic Plague spread by fleas on rats. This is the most widely accepted theory. Recently this information has been disputed for several reasons, including temperature in which bubonic plague can thrive, rate of spread and death rates and the fact that there were no rats in some affected areas (such as Iceland). This high mortality rate and fast spread can possibly be attributed to respiratory droplet transmission. This allows a spread without the rats and a much quicker speed. Since the bubonic plague often causes coughing, this means that it could be transmitted via the air (aerosol transmission). A low immunity can account for the death rate, similar to smallpox with Native American populations.

How did the plague prevent in the middle ages?

The plague didn't really prevent anything. I guess you could say it did prevent the advancement of Europe, which let it fall behind the Eastern World for a time because with all the sick people, there was not much time for science, culture, or the Arts. Also, you could say that it sped up up the end of Feudalism because Feudalism works with the system of a few people ruling over many people. The plague took the many people in the equation away, and the system just fell on itself.

Simalarities of black death and anthrax?

Black Death was believed to be a Plague. But it could have been anthrax. As this amount of spread is only possible in airborne cases.

What methods were people using to ward off the plague?

Some of the strategies that were used to prevent people from having plague included quarantine and the use of separate hygiene facilities. People with plague could not use the same public baths with the population that was not infected.

What gave people the plague?

The plague was spread from person to person by fleas who had infected rats that bit humans. Once a person had gotten the plague it was more contagious then the common cold. However doctors thought they could solve this problem when they couldn't with many remedies. Over ten million people died from it.

How did the plague spread from human to human?

The black death spread from human to human mainly in seliva. When somebody who had the plague kissed a preist for instance, the priest would have the plague. In those times, kissing each other on the lips was a sign of gratitude and friendship and love. It was common to kiss each other which didnt make the plague easy to contain instead of spreading it by kissing their loved ones before they died.