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add vinegar to baking soda and collect the carbon dioxide gas produced in a balloon. this is possible in theory, however to inflate a balloon with a gas coming out of a reaction is really more complicated than that.

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11y ago

Here are the steps:

  1. Put some vinegar into a plastic bottle.
  2. Put some baking soda into the not-yet-inflated balloon.
  3. Making sure to not tip the baking soda into the bottle, stretch the lip of the balloon over the opening of the plastic bottle.
  4. Quickly flip the balloon upside down and shake the baking soda into the bottle.
  5. Stand back and watch!
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Q: How do you inflate a balloon using vinegar using baking soda steps?
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It means what will you do next, ex: if your making a volcano and it's time for you to put the vinegar in that would be a next step!

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How To Naturally Clean A Walk In Shower?

Cleaning a walk in shower, especially if the shower is relatively large, can be a huge hassle. There are many different products advertised for cleaning showers, all of which have varying degrees of effectiveness. Chemical products often end up doing more harm to the shower, as well as the person using them, than good. Chemical agents can irritate the skin and the extremely sensitive tissue in the lungs, making it difficult to breathe or work without experiencing symptoms like coughing, a pervasive itching sensation and a feeling as if one cannot get enough breath. Fortunately, there is an entirely natural way to clean a walk-in shower without using any chemical products whatsoever. All the person needs can usually be found right in the home, without having to go the supermarket and hunt through the aisles. The ingredients are apple cider vinegar, a box of baking soda, a toothbrush, and a sponge. The apple cider vinegar should preferably be poured into a spray bottle. Whether the vinegar is diluted or not is up to the individual, and how badly the shower needs to be cleaned. To clean the shower, follow these simple steps. 1) Turn on the water and wet the walls, the floor and the ceiling thoroughly. This prepares the shower for spraying the vinegar. After the shower has been wetted, turn off the water and spray every inch of the shower with vinegar. Leave the vinegar on the walls, ceiling and floor for about twenty minutes. 2) Take the toothbrush, dip the bristles into the baking soda, and start scrubbing the places that have mildew, mold, etc. Do this until there is no sign of any biological contaminant. After scrubbing, let the baking soda sit for another twenty minutes. 3) Spray down all surfaces with vinegar again. This time, after finishing applying vinegar to the walls, wipe them down using the sponge. This should neatly clean away any soap scum, extra dirt, etc. on all surfaces. Lastly, water down the shower again using extremely hot water to rinse away the vinegar and baking soda. To make this process easier, spray the walls with vinegar each time after you take a shower.