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Q: The strands of DNA in the nucleus are called?
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What is the difference between DNA strands and DNA nucleus?

There is no such thing called a DNA nucleus. I assume you mean DNA found in the nucleus. The DNA that's found in the nucleus are many DNA strands all bunched up.

Genes are arranged on twisted strands called what?

Genes are arranged on twisted strands called DNA. DNA is housed in the nucleus and controls the cells functions and systems.

What are the structure that strands of DNA are bundled into in a cell with a nucleus called?

Chromosomes would be the answer. They are the building-blocks of the DNA.

What are the structures that strands of DNA are bundled into a cell with a nucleus called?

Chromosomes would be the answer. They are the building-blocks of the DNA.

What are the structures that strands of DNA are bundled into in a cell with a nucleus called?

Chromosomes would be the answer. They are the building-blocks of the DNA.

What are the long strands in the nucleus called?

Chromatin, which consists of DNA and associated proteins, forms long strands in the nucleus. The chromatin condenses to form chromosomes during cell division.

What are DNA strands packed into?

The nucleus

What does a nuleus do in DNA?

The nucleus contains chromosomes which contain strands of DNA.

What are the strands of genetic material floating in a nucleus of a animal cell?

Strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus is chromatin. Cytoplasm is the part of the cell that is between the cell membrane and the nucleus.

What are the strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus referred to?

The strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus are chromatin. Chromatin is the combination of DNA that makes up the nucleus of the cell.

Where is DNA produced in a cell?

Strands of DNA become chromosomes, which are located in the nucleus.

Strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus are referred to as what?

The strands of genetic material floating in the nucleus are chromatin. Chromatin is the combination of DNA that makes up the nucleus of the cell.