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the protein coat.

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1d ago

The substance a phage leaves outside its host cell is typically referred to as the "phage progeny" or "phage particles." These particles can include newly synthesized phage DNA and proteins, as well as the phage capsid that encapsulates the genetic material. This material can go on to infect other host cells and continue the phage replication cycle.

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Q: The substance a phage leaves outside its host cell?
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When is a substance most likely to diffuse into a cell?

If there is the concentration of substance inside the cell is lesser than outside and cell membrane is permeable to the substance.

What is the difference between virulent phage and prophage?

temperate refers to the life cycle some phages are able to perform. A temperate phage can integrate its genome into its host bacterium's chromosome, becoming a lysogen known as a prophage. A temperate phage is also able to undergo lytic life cycles, where the prophage is expressed, replicates the phage genome and produces phage progeny and the progeny phage leave the bacterium.The virulent phages have only lytic lifecycles and thus infection results in the host cell's death (due to lytic cell destruction-the phage replicates itself and then bursts the cell, releasing many copies).So they are both the same in that they both require a host cell to reproduce. They both can have lytic lifecycles but only the temperate phage can "hitch a ride" in the host cell by integrating into the genome.

What kind of cell does a phage infect?

A phage infects bacterial cells by injecting its genetic material into the host bacterium. Once inside, the phage hijacks the bacterium's cellular machinery to replicate and produce more phage particles, ultimately leading to the bacterium's destruction.

What is the phage DNA that is integrated into a host cell's chromosome is called a?

Phage DNA that is integrated into a host's cell chromosome is a bacteriophage. They behave as lytic or lysogenic. Lytic breaks open the host after replication, , lysogenic does not destroy the host.

Does the seed leaves protect the baby plant?

If you are talking about a plant cell, then a cell wall is the outside of it. But the cell membrane actually "protects" the plant cell, (cell.)

Related questions

When a phage attaches to a bacterium what does the phage inject and what stays attached to the cell?

The part that remains outside is called the capsid or protein coat.

What substance enters and leaves a plant cell through the process of osmosis?

Water enters and leaves a plant cell through the process of osmosis. When the concentration of water inside the cell is higher than outside, water will move into the cell, and when the concentration is higher outside, water will leave the cell.

When is a substance most likely to diffuse into a cell?

If there is the concentration of substance inside the cell is lesser than outside and cell membrane is permeable to the substance.

What phage in the reproductive cycle kills the bacterial host cell?

In the lytic cycle, a phage kills the bacterial host cell by causing it to burst (lysis) to release new phage particles. The phage replicates inside the host cell until it reaches a critical point, then the host cell is ruptured to release the new phages to infect other host cells.

When a T2 bacteriophage infects an E. coli cell what part of the phage enters the bacterial cytoplasm?

the whole phage

What kind of cell does a phage infect?

A phage infects bacterial cells by injecting its genetic material into the host bacterium. Once inside, the phage hijacks the bacterium's cellular machinery to replicate and produce more phage particles, ultimately leading to the bacterium's destruction.

Is the f plus cell the recipient cell?

transfer of genes via a phage

4 substance that enters and leaves through the cell membrane?

food enters, waste leaves

What is the difference between virulent phage and prophage?

temperate refers to the life cycle some phages are able to perform. A temperate phage can integrate its genome into its host bacterium's chromosome, becoming a lysogen known as a prophage. A temperate phage is also able to undergo lytic life cycles, where the prophage is expressed, replicates the phage genome and produces phage progeny and the progeny phage leave the bacterium.The virulent phages have only lytic lifecycles and thus infection results in the host cell's death (due to lytic cell destruction-the phage replicates itself and then bursts the cell, releasing many copies).So they are both the same in that they both require a host cell to reproduce. They both can have lytic lifecycles but only the temperate phage can "hitch a ride" in the host cell by integrating into the genome.

What is the difference between a virulent phage and a temperate phage?

A virulent phage only follows the lytic lifecycle, where it infects the host cell, replicates, and then lyses the cell to release new phages. In contrast, a temperate phage can follow both the lytic and lysogenic lifecycle. In the lysogenic cycle, the temperate phage integrates its DNA into the host genome, replicating as part of the host cell's DNA without causing immediate cell lysis.

What does phage DNA do once inside the host cell?

Once inside the host cell, phage DNA utilizes the host cell's machinery to replicate itself. It takes over the cellular processes and redirects them towards the production of new phages. The phage DNA is transcribed and translated to synthesize the necessary components for phage assembly, ultimately resulting in the formation of progeny phages inside the host cell.

What is the cell process called when a higher concentration of substance is outside the cell?
