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The Earth is warmed mainly by solar radiation. It is measured in kilowatt-hours per square meter per day. This is called incident solar radiation or insolation.

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Q: The surface of the earth is warmed mainly by conduction or convection or radiation?
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Radiation, convection and conduction are not different types of energy, but different methods of conveying the energy. The heat energy from a television set will be conveyed mainly through conduction and convection, ie the casing will heat up through conduction and the air above the televison will become heated through convection. There will be heat transmitted by radiation, but this will quickly encounter air molecules which will then add to the convection effect.

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Radiation warming

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A classic toaster (bread toaster) is mostly radiation with a little convection. The heating elements radiate their heat onto the contents of the toaster. (In a "toaster over" there is much more convection when the oven is closed, and it functions like a conventional oven, cooking mainly with the trapped heated air.)

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Actually, the water inside is heated mainly by conduction. A person nearby is heated by both convection and radiation.

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Probably mainly through radiation of infrared light. Some transfer through conduction or convection is also possible.

What are the mechanisM to cool the body?

Mainly sweat (evaporation of), but both radiation and conduction/convection play a part ... especially as the outside temperature goes down. Note that it's the blood circulation that carries heat from the inside of the body to the surface, where the above methods become possible.

What types of heat trnsfer does my furnace use?

Mainly convection I should think, if it transfers heat to a water or air heating system. There will be some radiation and conduction to the area immediately surrounding it.

Write are the differences between heat radiation heat conduction heat convection?

Heat Radiation- It is the Energy transfer by infrared waves. All objects will emit heat radiation. Heat radiation can also travel through a vacuum like space. Earth receives heat radiation from the Sun through space. Heat Conduction- occurs mainly in solids. Atoms in elements contain electrons. Metals contain free electrons (electrons which move around freely). Conduction happens mainly from free electrons transferring energy. Heat Convection- occurs in fluids (liquids and gases). Convection occurs when a fluid is heated and it starts to expand. It becomes less dense and rises. The warmer fluid is replaced by a cooler, more dense fluid. This results in a convection current which transfers heat throughout the fluid.

Which type of heat transfer occurs mainly in sloids?

Conduction and radiation.

How is energy transported from the core to the surface of the sun with radiation and by convection?

Yes, both. In some regions of the Sun, mainly one method of heat transport is used, in others, mainly the other.

How does heat treavel through liquids?

Mainly conduction (to adjacent molecules) & convection (the flow of the fluid).