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The heart.

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Q: The term cardio refers to what organ the heart or the brain?
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The term cardio refers to what organ the brain or the heart?

The term cardio refers to the heart. The medical word cardiac was derived from the Greek word for heart, which was kardia.

Is the heart an organ or an organ system?

It is an organ. The heart belongs to cardio-vasculary organ system.

Is a heart and a brain an organ?


Which organ uses more energy heart or brain?

The brain.

What organ of the body pumps blood to all part of the body?

The heart is the main pumping machine of the cardio vascular system. The calf muscles also helps to pump venous blood towards the heart

Which organ is most important heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain will not get blood and if brain will not get blood it will damage

Which is the most important organ in your body heart or brain?

heart because if heart is not present in body brain do not get blood and so brain will damage

What organ system is the brain and heart in?


What is the difference between the heart and the brain?

The heart is the organ in your chest that blood is pumped in and out of, and the brain is the organ in your head that controls everything you do (center of the nervous system)

What organ weighs more brain kidney lungs heart?


The what system includes the heart?

i believe it is the circulatory and the cardio-vascular systems cardiovascular or circulatory

What organ produces more energy the heart or brain?

i htink its the heart