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Rales. Usually indicates the presence of moisture and can indicate a pneumonia condition.

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Q: The term for abnormal crackling sounds made during inspiration is?
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What term describes a fine crackling or bubbling sounds when there is fluid in the alveoli?

Crackles: Fine crackling or bubbling sounds, commonly heard during inspiration when there is fluid in the alveoli; also called rales.

What is the medical term meaning abnormal crackling sound?

Crepitus.Abnormal crackling sounds are called rales when heard on ausculation of the lungs, but called crepitus when heart in a joint, gangrenous skin, etc.

What are the five abnormal breath sounds during vital signs?

Adventitious sounds are sounds that you hear that are not normal sounds of inspiration and expiration. Examples are 1. rales, crackles and crepitations; 2. wheeze; 3. stridor; 4. pericardial friction rub; 5. rhonchi.

What is a difference between crackles and crepitation?

Both crackles and crepitation are abnormal breath sounds heard during auscultation. Crackles are discontinuous, brief, popping sounds usually heard during inspiration, indicative of fluid in the lungs. Crepitation is a coarse, crackling sensation often felt when rubbing bone ends together, frequently occurring in joints affected by arthritis.

What sounds do Mud Crabs make underwater?

crackling sounds

How can you make a sentence with a word crackling?

I was startled awake by the fire's crackling sounds. The lightning came crackling past my head and struck the tree.

What is the crackling sound you hear when diving on coral reefs?

The crackling sounds are usually made by snapping shrimps.

In relation to the normal heart sounds when would you expect to hear the abnormal sounds?

Abnormal sounds may be heard before, after, or during the normal heart sounds. For instance, sounds associated with stenosis may be heard before the closing of that valve.

What is the effect of respiration on the heart sounds?

during inspiration, intrathoracic pressure is decreased.

What are abnormal breath sounds heard during inhalation or exhalation called?


Which of these scientific terms would describe crackling sounds?


Which respiratory sound is primarily heard during inspiration?

Wheezing is a respiratory sound primarily heard during expiration.