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Better have that checked out. It sounds very abnormal.

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Q: What is a painful hard lump going from left rib to side of body to back causing pain breathlessness discomfort?
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Why does the spleen enlarge with polycthaemia?

I'm assuming it's because.... The spleen filters out the blood that's is going throughout the body. Polycythemia is excessive production of RBc. Soo, if there is excessive blood and the spleen is filtering all of it, it is working hard causing it to become enlarge.

What kind of pain does esophagitus cause?

* Esophagitus causes an intense, burning pain in the upper chest and in the throat. It is caused from acids that form in the stomach, and rise up into the esophagus. There are treatments for this that are very safe and effective, but if left untreated it can lead to complications such as cancer of the esophagus and throat. * It is usually worse at night, while lying down. Sleeping with your head and chest elevated can help alleviate this problem and discomfort. * Many over-the-counter medications can help prevent this, as well has relieving the discomfort after it starts. * Gastric Esophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) is quite common, and if the over-the-counter medications don't help, your doctor can prescribe something that will. * You can also help prevent this by avoiding spicy, greasy and acidic (tomatoes) foods. Also, don't eat anything for several hours before going to bed, which may greatly reduce the discomfort.

When the going rough?

When the going get rough, the rough get going.

Does having your ear scalpelling hurt?

It is going to hurt, Because your having you ear cut, and stretched, the scapaling part aint to bad, Just fell like your ear is getting pierced over and over, but that pain aint that bad, but when they fit it it what is painful, Hurt less then stretching your ear with a taper, (if it hurts your doing it wrong) But It's not that bad. Healing is easy, and it makes your ears really really stretchy. (:

Does breaking a bone hurt?

Not always at the very moment it's broken, but it sure does hurt later. It'll be plenty sore for quite a part of the healing process too.Well, this is not usually the case as it is agony!

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What could cause discomfort in the lower left side of body?

Going into labor would cause discomfort in the lower left side of body.

What did Jane Goodall's painful experience?

Jane Goodall painful experience is that she was told that chimpanzees were going to be extincted. Chimpanzees were here favorite animal.

Are corset piercings very painful?

I would figure any sharp object going into one's skin is most likely very painful. Ouch!!!

Is there a virus going around causing ear and throat problems?

If there is, I have it.

How can you end the discomfort of pap smear?

if you know you're going to get a pap from the doctor you could take a couple of ibprofen or something to ease the discomfort. but if you're still having pain after the pap is over, you should probably contact your doctor.

Which is the earliest stage of miscarraige?

The earliest sign of a miscarraige is painful cramping and bleeding. Some cramps are normal, as well as pink or brown bleeding. The cramping that is normal will feel like mild period cramps. Any type of painful cramping as opposed to minor discomfort I would recommend going to the hospital.

What to do if soap gets in your penis?

Maybe some discomfort? Urinate to get the soap outta there

Is removing braces painful?

There is some mild discomfort, but you'll be so happy to have the braces off you won't care. The above comment is so true. I remember thinking it was really going to hurt but it wasn't all that bad. I was so happy they were off I didn't care. I remember how smooth my teeth felt on my lips and tongue without the metal brackets attached anymore.

Problems the oil spill in the gulf Mexico causing?

It's Causing A Big Problem Like Polluting The Air Not Going on beaches

How does labor during birth feel?

It's very painful. Your vagina feels like its going to burst.

How can you tell what your allergic to without going to the doctor?

swelling,ichy,red,puffy,agonizingly painful,or suffocation

How do you use discomfort in sentence?

After several hours in my towering high-heeled shoes, the discomfort in my feet escalates into excruciating pain.Most over-the-counter laxatives take about 24 hours to work, which is an awfully long time to wait for the discomfort of constipation to be relieved.My boyfriend's obvious discomfort over having this girl at the table with us made me suspect that there was, or had been, something going on between the two of them.She apparently felt no discomfort in sharing such private information with total strangers.Even though the laughing gas killed the pain, the sensation of having a deeply embedded wisdom tooth yanked from my head caused me great discomfort.