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gossip or rumors circulating among the crew.

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Q: The term scuttlebutt is a Navy word referring to the?
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How do you use the word scuttlebutt in a sentence?

The scuttlebutt said they were heading into combat the next day. The scuttlebutt provided fresh water to all.

What nautical term does the word gossip originate from?

The word "gossip" originated from the nautical term "gossip" or "gossiping cable." It refers to the creaking sound made by a ship's ropes and cables rubbing against the hull, which sailors believed to be a sign of impending doom or bad luck. Over time, the term evolved to describe idle chatter or rumors.

What is the definition for the slang word scuttlebutt?

Scuttlebutt means gossip. In the same way that modern people have a concept of gossiping around a water cooler at work the sailors of centuries past would gather around the water barrel, aka the scuttlebutt, and share stories and gossip of their own.

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How do you say the word term in french?

It depends on what type of term you are referring to: Term (like a phrase or saying) is simply terme. A school/university term is période or trimestre. -Isabelle

What does 'skuttle' mean?

Scuttle butt is a term that originated in the days of sailing ships. A butt is a large barrel. Sailors would gather around the water barrel, or scuttle butt, and swap gossip. So scuttlebutt is gossip.