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King Cotton diplomacy.

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Which term best describes early American foreign policy?

America's ealry foreign policy tended toward isolationism.

What was not a long-term consequence of US foreign policy developments between 1898 and 1908?

Which of the following was not a long-term consequence of U.S. foreign policy developments between 1898 and 1908?

What term best describes early American foreign policy?


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You visit a friend to help him complete a big project what foreign policy term most closely describes this example?

foreign aid

Which word best describes early American policy?

This entirely depends on what policies we are talking about, be they educational policy, military policy, foreign policy, trade policy, etc.As concerns foreign policy, US foreign policy in its first few decades was NEUTRALITY, meaning that the US would stay out of long-term alliances, treaties, engagements, and wars with the major European powers.

What does the term foreign-policy refer to?

The country's plan for dealing with other countries and peoples of the world

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Which term best characterizes Woodrow Wilson's fundamental approach to American foreign policy?


What term is used to describe an installed dynamic disk that originated from another server?

Foreign Disks

What term best describes an intense burst of national pride and aggressive foreign policy?

imperialism and jingoism!

What did the dollar diplomacy do?

Dollar Diplomacy is the term used to describe the efforts of the United States - particularly under President William Howard Taft - to further its foreign policy aims in Latin America and East Asia through use of its economic power by guaranteeing loans made to foreign countries.