Intense national pride was, and is, known as nationalism.
A word that starts with an x that is relating to the Holocaust is: xenophobia. This means directly from dictionary.com: an unreasonable fear or hatred of foreigners or strangers or of which is foreign or strange. Hope that I helped you.
There was an intense division in Kansas due to some people being pro slavery while others were anti slavery. The result was such division of the state that the Republican party was found.
intense itching and discomfort to the hairy parts of the body
The word "fierce" is an adjective. It describes something that is showing a heartfelt and intense passion or a strong, aggressive, or violent nature.
A feeling on intense national pride is called nationalism.
Intense national pride was, and is, known as nationalism.
a comnivore an aggressive immigrant from Russia who believes in the theory of communism. he/she also sleeps like crazy and is an intense meat eater who works out every day
"Vicious" describes something that is cruel, aggressive, or harmful in behavior. It can also refer to something that is unusually severe or intense.
An intense feeling of national pride.
I think it's the opposite. Modern Warfare 2 was way more aggressive and intense than Black Ops, due to the crazy kill streaks.