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Punctuated equilibrium.

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Q: The theory that evolution occurs during short periods of rapid change is puntuated?
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When a gene changes within a life span this process is called evolution?

Genes doesn't change during a lifespan. It changes between generations. That change is evolution.

What is the theory that evolution occurs during short period of rapid change?


What theory that species evolve during short periods of rapid change?

punctuated equilibrium

What occur during periods of adaptive radiation?

Generally, evolution of several species occurs during periods of adaptive radiation. These new species have evolved to "adapt" to new environments created by changes like massive flooding around continents and changes to the sea floor.

Is the process of change that occurs during an organisms life to produce a more complex organism.?


How did the size of the horse change during its evolution?

Changed from the size of a fox to the present day size.

How the fossils record supports the theory of punctuated equilibrium?

the fossils show massive change at one time (for instance the Grand Canyon; this massive change occurs usually from significant weather/environmental events) , and during the periods between the significant changes not much evolution (changes in genetic expression/genes) occurs.

What theory proposes that species evolve during short periods of rapid change?

punctuated equilibrium

What theory proposes that species evolves during shot periods of rapid change?

Punctuated Equilibria

What is a proccess change that occurs during an organism life to produce a more complex organism?

Not everything has to be evolution if evolution is true which I believe it is not true,my best answer would be development.

What does the term punctuated equilibria describe?

Punctuated equilibria is a theory in evolutionary biology that suggests species undergo long periods of relative stability (stasis) punctuated by sudden and rapid evolutionary change. This theory contrasts with gradualism, which proposes that evolution occurs steadily over long periods of time.

What is a name given for genetic changes in living things over time?

Evolution is the change in living thingd over time.