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In this process, hydrogen-1 is converted into helium-4. Energy is freed up in the process.

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Kelton Bahringer

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Q: The thermonuclear fusion that occur in the sun is a process involving?
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Does the layer of fire on the sun occur in the suns core?

There is no fire in the sun, that is a chemical process. The process in the core is thermonuclear fusion.

What must occur to achieve''nuclear fusion''?

a chain reaction

Why does the temperature in the centers of stars have to be extremely high for fusion to occur?

fusion is called thermonuclear for a good reason: it needs a lot of heat to get started.

What chemical reaction produces the sun and energy?

These are not chemical reactions but thermonuclear reactions.

What was process of the atomic bomb?

There are several processes that happen in atomic bombs, the main ones are:Fission bombs - hydrodynamics, neutron chain reaction, fission.Fusion bombs - hydrodynamics, radiation transport, thermonuclear fusion, fission.Many other secondary processes occur also.

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Where in the universe does fusion occur naturally?

Nuclear fusion is the process that powers stars, such as our sun.

Which is hotter the explosion of a thermonuclear bomb or the core of the sun and explain why?

The temperatures are similar within about an order of magnitude, but the core of the sun is hotter. The thermonuclear bomb is at the temperature of DT fusion, the lowest temperature at which fusion can occur. The sun, in addition to fusing DT, is fusing HH, HD, DD, DHe-3, TT, He-3He-3, all of which ignite at various temperatures higher than DT.

What needs to occur for a star to be born?

A clump of matter must collapse under the attraction of its own gravity. The collapse must heat the matter up to form a plasma which undergoes thermonuclear fusion - of hydrogen into helium.

How can temperature either help fusion to occur or prevent fusion from occurring?

How can temperature either help fusion to occur or prevent fusion from occurring?

How is energy produced in the suns core?

By thermonuclear fusion of hydrogen, producing helium. The same process that produces the energy in a hydrogen bomb (although the sun fuses far more hydrogen in the same period of time than the largest hydrogen bomb ever speculated would fuse during its entire explosion, thus producing more energy than such a bomb).

Where does thermonuclear fusion mainly occur?

The only place in the universe where nuclear fusion can occur on its own is in the interior of stars. After closely observing nature, and adapting its laws to fulfill human requirements, our advanced civilization has succeeded in creating nuclear fusion at will, on a small scale. Unfortunately, the only useful application successfully developed so far with our superior intellect is the construction of nuclear bombs and weapons.