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Q: The three important religions practiced in Africa are Christianity Islam and Voodoo. True False?
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What are two religions beliefs in West Africa?

Islam & Christianity are two important African religions. (:

What two religions are the most important in Africa?

Islam and Christianity

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What is South Africa's religion?

South Africa has a range of religions. Christianity has the most followers. However Buddhism, Islam, Hinduism, and Judaism along with others are also practiced.

What best describes the religious practices in Africa?

Most people follow religions brought to the continent by Europeans and Arabs

Where is Christianity located in Africa?

Christianity is practiced throughout Africa. It is not limited to any specific location.

Where in west Africa are Islam and Christianity practiced?

In Nigeria

Where is Christianity practiced in Africa?

Christianity is practiced in all corners in Africa as there is almost 380 million people who practice some form of Christianity (petnacost, baptist, orthodox, etc.). It is the second largest religion now in africa with islam being first.

What are the two most common religions in Africa?

Islam and Christianity

What are the two major religions of africa?

Christianity and Islam

What percent of Africa is Islam?

Islam is a large religion in Africa. Encyclopedia Britanica, as of mid-2002, there were 376,453,000 Christians, 329,869,000 Muslims and 98,734,000 people who practiced traditional religions in Africa. Nevertheless, according to a May 9, 2009 Congressional Research Service report, there were 371,459,142 Muslims, 304,313,880 Christians, 137,842,507 who practiced indigenous religions, and 9,818,542 people who practiced other religions in Africa.

What are the two dominant introduced religions in West Africa?

Various denominations of Christianity, Islam, hybrids of the aforementioned religions and indigenous relious beliefs, indigenous tribal religions.