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Q: The tiniest vessels in the body?
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What is the tiniest vessels in the body?


What do you call the tiniest blood vessels in the body?


Is the tiniest blood vessels?

Capillaries is the answer in this question

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What are the tiny tubes carrying blood?

Capillaries are the tiniest blood vessels. They connect arteries and veins.

What is the tiniest muscle in the human body?

your brain :)

Vessels to body?

the vessels to the body are arteries

What are the tiny tubes that carry blood?

Capillaries are the tiniest blood vessels. They are the site of gas exchange and connect veins and arteries.

What are the tiny tubes called in blood vessels?

Capillaries are the tiniest of the blood vessels. They connect arteries and veins.

How many atoms are in living things?

Atoms,The Tiniest Thing in your body, Well your Questions Is A Bit Less Pacific. Atoms Are Absolutely Uncountable. Why? : They are the tiniest particles in your body. So it will be Billions of atoms.

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How were you born from the tiniest cell in your mother's body?

That is why it is called the miracle of birth.