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I think its the visceral muscle

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Q: The tissue used directly for locomotion in humans is known as?
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An early ancestor of humans are called what?

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What eats a threadworm?

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Areolar tissue is known as packaging tissue

What tissue is found in humans?

Well my suggestions are that these are the most known tissues in our body:1) Heart2)Liver3)Lungs4)Kidneys5)IntestinesThats all I have folks!

What type of tissue works to move food along the digestive tract?

Peristalsisis a radially symmetrical contraction and relaxation of muscles which propagates in a wave down the muscular tube, in an anterograde fashion. In humans, peristalsis is found in the contraction of smooth muscles to propel contents through the digestive tract. Earthworms use a similar mechanism to drive their locomotion.[1] The word is derived from New Latin and comes from the Greek peristallein, "to wrap around," from peri-, "around" +stallein, "to place".

What is a human?

A human is a member of the Homo sapiens species, characterized by bipedal locomotion, complex language, and the ability to think abstractly. Humans are known for their advanced cognitive abilities, cultural diversity, and adaptability to various environments.

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The soft tissue in the center of bones is known as bone marrow.

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Bacteria that live in or on plant or animal tissue without harming the tissue are known as?


A group of similar cells doing the same job are known as a?

A group of cells doing the same job are known as a tissue, not a muscle.

Where can chlamydia be found in nature?

Chlamydia trachomatis, the bacteria the causes the STD known as chlamydia is carried only by humans. It infects and reproduces in columnar epithelium, the kind of tissue found in the urethra, cervix, throat, rectum, and conjunctiva.

What is loose connective tissue also known as?

Areolar Tissue