

The top speed of a bullet?

Updated: 9/15/2023
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15y ago

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4000 fps or more.

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Q: The top speed of a bullet?
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Could the f-14 tomcat out run one of its own bullets?

the f-14 tomcat can travel at a speed of mach2+ (always depending on the weather) but that's its top speed, a bullet also travels at a speed of mach2. but when the jet fires the bullet it probably wont be going top speed, but yes if going top speed, the F-14 Tomcat can outrun its own bullets.

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bullet dance is nothing but , dancing speed like bullet train speed.

What is the top speed of a bullet st flux RC?

35-40 mph with 2s lipo battery

How fast is a bullets top speed?

What kind of bullet are you referring to? They all have different top speeds, and can very a lot. The fastest bullet i know is the .50 cal BMG at about 2800 Feet per sedpnd or 1901 M.P.H

What is a supersonic bullet?

A supersonic bullet is a bullet that is faster than the speed of sound.

If you are travelling at the speed of light and fire a bullet what would happen?

it is impossible to fire a bullet a the speed of light

What is the top speed of bullet train?

The top speed of the fastest commercial bullet trains is around 320-350 km/h (198-217 mph). However, some high-speed test trains have reached speeds exceeding 400 km/h (248 mph).

What is Subsonic Bullet?

Subsonic means "slower than the speed of sound" so a subsonic bullet is any bullet that travels slower than the speed of sound.

Average bullet speed?

The average bullet speed can vary depending on the type of bullet and the firearm it is fired from. However, typical bullet speeds can range from about 800 feet per second (fps) to 3000 fps. High-powered rifles can have bullet speeds exceeding 3000 fps.

Which country is the originator of the high speed Bullet Train?

Japan is the original inventor of the high speed bullet train.

What is faster than a bullet?

* The speed of light in a vacuum, * The speed of sound,

What is the formula for speed of a bullet?

The formula for the speed of a bullet is: Speed = Distance / Time. This formula calculates the rate at which a bullet travels in a given amount of time.