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The triploid nucleus in the megaspore divides to produce endosperm, which provides the plan embryo in the seed with food.

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Q: The triploid nucleus in the megaspore divides to produce?
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What does a nucleus produce?

The nucleus controls all cell activities including how the cell grows develops and divides

What will be the total number of meiotic division for forming 50 triploid watermelons?

13 meiosis in 2n mmc to produce 52 pollen grains and 50 meiosis in 4n megaspore mother cell to produce 50 egg cells & embryo sacs in diffent ovules. The total of these meiosis divisions comes to 63.


The gymnosperms produce megaspores and microspores. A microspore is the male spore and megaspore is the large female spore. The microspore undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular male gametophyte. These male gametophytes are the pollen grains that are contained inside short pollen cones. The megaspore is the large female spore that undergoes mitosis to produce the multicellular female gametophyte that is housed in a large female cone.

What are the sturctures that produce the male gametophyte in angiosperms called?

stamen, pollen pod

What is meant by monosporic development of female gametophyte?

The female gametophyte or the embryo sac develops from a single functional megaspore. This is known as monosporic development of the female gametophyte. In most flowering plants, a single megaspore mother cell present at the micropylar pole of the nucellus region of the ovule undergoes meiosis to produce four haploid megaspores. Later, out of these four megaspores, only one functional megaspore develops into the female gametophyte, while the remaining three degenerate

Where is mRNA produce?

The nucleus.

Where does the process of double fertilization occur in plants?

The Generative nucleus arrives at the embryo sac inside the ovule and undergoes division to produce two haploid male nuclei. One of the male nuclei fuses with the haploid female gamete nucleus and for a diploid zygote. The other Male nuclei fuses with 2 polar female gametes to produce the triploid nucleus. This is known as the endosperm nucleus and it acts as a food source for developing zygote.

What happens to the generative nucleus after pollination?

The generative nucleus divides mitotically to produce two sperm nuclei. One of those will fertilize the egg to produce the zygote, and the other will fuse with the two polar nuclei in the embryo sac to produce the endosperm in a process called "double fertilization".

What occurs when an organism divides in half to produce offspring?

Asexual reproduction.

What are two ways that protists can reproduce asexually?

Binary fission - single cell divides to produce two offspring Multiple Fission - single cell divides to produce more than two offspring

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How many neutrons are emitted when a californium-249 nucleus is bombarded with carbon-12 nucleus to produce a Rf nucleus?

4 neutrons