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Roots to absorb nutrients from the ground and leaves to absorb the suns rays for energy.

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Q: The two structures most plants use to gather nutrients and energy to live are?
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What structures do you see that help plants gather and use the sun's energy?


What is function of nutrients?

Nutrients are chemicals used by plants and animals to build their body structures.

46 How do the plants gather the energy from the sun?

photosynthesise. they gather chemical energy from the heat energy produced by the sun

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What structures do plants need that animals do not need?

Plants need their leaves to gather sunlight for the purpose of photosynthesis.

How do hydroponic plants get their nutrients if they aren't grown in soil?

Hydroponic plants gather their nutrients from nutrient-enriched water as opposed to gathering their nutrients from soil. Soil itself is not essential to plant growth.

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Which describes the cuticle that most plants have?

A system of tubelike structures that transport nutrients

Do plants need warmth to grow?

Yes; plants do need warmth to grow. The warmer it is, the more nutrients a plant can gather.

Plants gather the sun's energy using the?

leaves/ leaf

Where do plants get their nutrients?

from the soil, food, water and energy