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Q: The two upper chambers of the heart that receives blood are what?
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What is the name of one of the lower chambers of the heart that receives blood from the upper chambers and pumps it into the arteries?

they are the right and left ventricle

What lower chambers of the heart pump blood out of the organ?

The ventricles are the lower chambers of the heart. The atria are the upper chambers.

Which upper chambers of the heart collect the blood?


Do the upper chambers of the heart receive the blood flowing into the heart?


What is the upper chamber to the heart?

The two upper chambers in your heart are called the atria. One on its own is an atrium. This comes from the Latin word for an open entrance area in a house, because the atria are where the blood enters the heart after returning from either the body or the lungs.The right atrium receives blood from the body, and pumps it through the tricuspid valve into the right ventricle. The left atrium receives blood from the lungs via the pulmonary veins, and pumps it through the bicuspid valve into the left atrium.The atria have thinner walls than the ventricles, since they have to pump the blood a shorter distance than the ventricles.

What are upper cambers of the heart that collect the blood called?

The two upper chambers of the heart that collects blood are known as atria.

Which chambers in the heart are receiving?

The receiving chambers are the atria (singular atrium). The right atrium receives deoxygenated blood from the body, and the left atrium receives oxygenated blood from the lungs. The right atria receives blood from the veins (systemic). The left atria receives blood from the lungs (pulmonary).

What are upper chambers of the heart that collects blood?

whats the answer

What is the function of the lower chambers?

The lower chambers of the heart have a different function than the upper chambers. The lower chambers pump the blood out of the heart into the body and lungs.

What are the upper chambers of the heart that receive the blood?

The left and right atrium.

Why doesn't blood normally flow from the lower heart chambers into upper heart chambers?

The hearth valves only allow blood to flow one way.

What is the muscle when the heart forces blood?

The ventricles are the lower heart chambers that contract to pump blood. The upper chambers, atria, also contract, but to a lesser degree.