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Q: The type of stress that stretches and pulls a body apart is?
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When does a amoeba eat?

To eat, the amoeba stretches out the pseudopod, surrounds a piece of food, and pulls it into the rest of the amoeba's body. Amoebas eat algae, bacteria, other protozoans, and tiny particles of dead plant or animal matter.

What does a straddle stretch do to your body?

stretches your groin.

What are some advanced cheerleading stretches?

Cheerleading Stretches help almost every part of your body, there are multiple stretches you can do with your legs, arms abs and back. With cheerleading stretches you will become slimer and stronger.

What in your body stretches around the world?

Small intestine

What force pulls the body to the lower part of the body?


What is meant by stress?

The stress is reaction of body.

How does stress affect the body?

The emotional and physical effects of stress can be damaging, and fatal to the body. Stress causes an imbalance in the body that can lead to strokes and other fatalities.

What body of water stretches from the coast of Texas to Florida?

gulf of mexico

How does tension occur?

Tension headaches can be caused by many things. Dehydration, stress, lack of sleep are some of the more common causes. It is best to see a doctor to diagnose your headaches, especially if they are prolonging.

What type of stress harm the body and mind?

all stress, especially extreme stress

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What side of the body is the pancreas located?

Yes, it stretches from your left side to the middle of your abdomen.