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Natural selection

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Q: The unequal survival and reproduction that results from the presence or absence of particular traits is called?
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The traits for blood type and Rh are the result of the presence or absence of particular?

The traits for blood type and Rh factor are determined by the presence or absence of specific proteins on the surface of red blood cells. Blood type is determined by antigens (proteins) on the red blood cell membrane, while the Rh factor is based on the presence or absence of the Rh antigen (protein) on the red blood cell.

The grouping of viruses is based partly on the?

The grouping of viruses is based on the particular species. Viruses are also living organisms which are divided into specific genus and species.

What is meant by limiting factor in budgeting?

The flow of an activity is limited by the presence or absence of one or many factors necessary for survival. That factor is called as limiting factor.

What does a positive presence-absence test indicate?

The Presence-Absence (P-A) test is a presumptive detection for coliforms.

Is absence a preposition?

No. Absence is a noun. It is generally the antonym of "presence."

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The cast of In the Presence of Absence - 2011 includes: Chen Cohen

What actors and actresses appeared in Absence Presence - 2009?

The cast of Absence Presence - 2009 includes: Nadine Helstroffer

How does reproduction help in providing stability to populations of species?

Reproduction is directly linked to the stability of the population of species because it helps in replacing the aging population with the new population and thus ensures the survival of the species. In the absence of reproduction one particular species will disappear with time.

Is fungi the presence or absence of a cell?

fungi is the presence of a cell

What is the antonym for absence?

attendance, presence,

What is the opposite meaning of absence?


What makes the blood groups differ from each other?

It is the presence or absence of particular antigens that determines the blood type. Antigens are substances which trigger the body's immune response.