

Best Answer

it appears u r having urinery infection R prostatitis /uretrhal incontinance

get your urine examined send it for c&s

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Q: The urge to urinate comes when I tuck my chin so therefore when I lay on my back on 2 pillows it gets worse and going to the bathroom does not relieve the pressure and I may leak a little sometimes?
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How is a latex pillow different from a feather pillow?

"Latex pillows are the firmest of the pillows. They are usually molded or shaped to relieve pressure points, whereas feather pillows are soft and easily mold to the shape you desire."

What are the advantages of Tempur pillows?

With the invention of Tempur pillows, many people are finding that they are sleeping better. Tempur pillows are hypoallergenic, made of foam, easy to clean, and support all the proper pressure points.

Name something specific that doesn't get cleaned between flights on an airplane?

seats, bathroom, floor, pillows/blankets, tray tables, windows

Are geese killed down pillows?

Geese do not have to be killed for pillows. Sometimes the down comes from slaughtered birds. Other manufactures pluck the birds while still alive. This is painful to the bird.

Why should you not let your dog in your bed?

Who told you this? My dog sleep with me every night. They may have told you this because of them chewing on pillows and blankets or using he bathroom in your bed.

How many kinds of pillows does Boppy make?

Boppy sells various pillows for the mother and baby. Currently they have three kinds of pillows which are prenatal pillows, pillows for toddlers, and nursing pillows.

Where can one find a Christmas pillow?

Places where one could look for Christmas pillows are online retailers like eBay or Amazon. Local gift shops also sometimes offer a selection of Christmas pillows.

How do you be like Lisa from the movie Zathura?

well here you go:7 pillows,2 brothers,your own bathroom,music player/ i pod and sleep tille 2 at weekand

Is it unhealthy to sleep with your head on top of 3 pillows?

Yes, it can be bad, even just using two pillows makes a big difference, because you can get pain in your neck joints, and even sometimes arthiritis in your neck if you do it a lot.

Why does your cat bite pillows?

Sometimes they are just playing; and sometimes they are trying to nurse the pillow, like they did to their mothers when they were young. It's comforting and soothing for them. Like a child that sucks its thumb.

How are pressure ulcers prevented?

Pressure ulcers are prevented by turning in bed at least every two hours. Special mattresses and chair cushions can distribute weight more evenly to reduce pressure. Electrical stimulation is sometimes used to.prevent pressure ulcers.

When was The Pillows created?

The Pillows was created in 1989.