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Q: The ventricle contraction of the heart occurs iummediately after depolarization of the?
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What wave of the EKG occurs during depolarization of the ventricle?


What part of an ecg do atria contract?

Atrial depolarization occurs at the P wave. The atrial contraction occurs at the peak of the wave at the influx of calcium ions to prolong depolarization.

What is atrial repolarization indicated by?

The atrial repolarization occurs during the QRS complex of the ECG but is obscured by the ventricle depolarization.

Complex that occurs as a result of depolarization of the ventricles?


What is located between the two ventricular chambers and the large arteries that carry blood away from the heart when contraction occurs?

The mitral valve is located between the left atrium and left ventricle, and the aortic valve is located between the left ventricle and the aorta.

What produces pressure?

Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure during the hearts pumping cycle. It occurs during left ventricle contraction or sqeezing which forces the blood around the arteries

Depolarization of the sa node occurs during?

P wave

What produces systolic pressure?

Systolic pressure is the maximum pressure during the hearts pumping cycle. It occurs during left ventricle contraction or sqeezing which forces the blood around the arteries

When the neuron is sufficiently stimulated this process occurs and triggers the action potential?


Systemic circulation occurs when the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs?

system circulation occurs when the right ventricle pumps blood to the lungs

What does the electrical charge on the inside of the axon become when depolarization occurs?

During depolarization, sodium ions rush into the axon, making the inside negative, and the outside positive.

Almost as soon as the depolarization wave begins a repolarization wave follows it across the membrane this occurs as?

This occurs as K+ diffuses out of the cell.